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Subject Excellent Results from CSM FRM tests Date 17 DEC 2008
One of the major problems with reverse osmosis membranes is membrane fouling. This is especially true in cases involving treatment of surface and wastewater where the concentration of organic compounds is relatively high, which makes it difficult to restore the membrane to an operable state. However, the fouling resistant reverse osmosis membrane (FRM) developed by Woongjin Chemical is proven to be an effective solution for this problem.

The fouling resistant RO membrane's surface roughness, being comparably lower than other RO membranes currently available, decreases the amount of colloidal substances from depositing on the membrane surface. This ultimately reduces the accumulation of particles on the membrane surface. In addition, for wastewater use, where the content of organic matter is high, Woongjin Chemical's fouling resistant membranes display by far one of the best fouling resistant properties and performance results among current RO membrane models on the market.
PREV Product label changes to RO elements 11 MAR 2009
NEXT Participation in Korean desalination project 30 SEP 2008