Subject Water reuse technology trains for medium-level water Date 23 NOV 2007
Wastewater is considered as stable and substantial amount of alternative water resource. In case of South Korea, it is known that 73.2 percents of supplied water discharge 16 million m3/day of treated effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants. Calculation simply tells that 0.58 billion m3/year can be available if only 10 percent of wastewater could be reused. In this study, a pilot MBR was applied for the reclaimed water of flush toilet water from sewage. The effluent of MBR satisfied the medium level water regulation in South Korean except total coliform and residual chlorine. The chlorine disinfection could easily satisfy the others. The residual chlorine in the regulation could limit the various alternated disinfectants. Further research is required for the alternative disinfections such as UV and ozone in the water reuse strategy considering economic aspects. Water quality standards were suggested for the purpose of industrial cooling water generation from wastewater in South Korea. The item of turbidity, suspended solids, DOC, T-N, T-P, alkalinity, pH, hardness and conductivity were suggested. The results of membrane technology trains with MBR-RO and MBR-NF suggested the NF had great potential for the water reclamation and reuse.
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